9 Free Affidavit Forms

Download these 9 Free Affidavit Form Templates in PDF Format to assist you in the process of creating and printing your own Affidavit Forms.

An Affidavit is a sworn statement that includes the name of the affiant (the person who is signing the affidavit), the sworn statement about a fact, and the signature of the affiant and witness i.e. notary public clerk. Affidavits are very important for legal purposes because by signing an affidavit, the affiant agrees to accept all the situations and circumstances that might come later and he takes full responsibility for verifying a certain fact in the affidavit.

A legal document that indicates the real or in fact owner of shares and stock options is known as the option rights affidavit. It is possible that even if you own the share and stock options, the legal rights of selling and trading these options are owned by another person who signed the affidavit and if you want to sell or trade the options before expiration, you need to ask the owner in-fact to release the permission to you.

An affidavit is a written statement in which a person swears that he is signing the document without any force and the key purpose of signing this document is to prove and legalize the statement included in the affidavit. For example, a company wants its supplier to sign an affidavit that all the required items are included in the shipment and that the quality of each item is as it’s supposed to be.

Creditor’s Affidavit Form

When a debtor tells the creditor that he can’t pay back the loan he got from the creditor on time or anytime soon in the future, the creditor has the legal right to ask for the reasons and if these reasons are true, he has the obligation to compensate with the debtor i.e. give him some more time or ask him to pay a smaller amount of the debt. But, before a creditor grants any type of compensation to the debtor, he also has the right to verify if the debtor is telling the truth and if in fact, doesn’t have any money to pay back the loan.

In case the debtor is lying about the financial problems and he, in fact, has some money to pay back the debt or some kind of property or personal possessions that can be collected as collateral by the creditor, the creditor has the legal right to file a case (lawsuit) against the debtor and sign an affidavit in front of the judge and claim that he, in fact, has some kind of proof that the debtor is not telling the truth about his finances and he can pay back the debt. Once the creditor signs the affidavit, the judge can send notice to the debtor to respond to the petition filed by the creditor and explain his situation and the circumstances by which he can’t pay back his loan.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Creditor’s Affidavit Form created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Creditor Affidavit Form

Here is the download link for this Creditor’s Affidavit Form,


Individual Acknowledgement Affidavit Form:

When an individual signs an affidavit in order to make it legal and official, there are some situations in which a particular department or another individual requires that individual to visit a notary public in person and verify that he actually signed the affidavit by himself and it was only his decision or no one else forced him to sign the affidavit. This means that even if he has signed the affidavit before and it can be verified by the department and can be matched with the records, the individual is still required to visit a notary public department and in front of a clerk, sign the acknowledgment so that the notary clerk can verify that the signer came in person in front of him and signed the affidavit.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Individual Acknowledgement Affidavit created as a fill-able PDF form,


Individual Acknowledgement Affidavit

Here is the download link for this Individual Acknowledgement Affidavit,

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Affidavit of Publication of Certificate Fictitious or Assumed Name:

When a person wants to start a company, he usually prefers to use his name or his family name in the official title of the company. He registers that name with the trading department. But there are some situations in which a company can’t or the owners don’t want to use their own names in the company title. Instead, they use fictitious or assumed names that have nothing to do with the owners and partners.

Here is a Free Fill-able PDF Affidavit Form for Publication of a Certificate of Fictitious or Assumed Name,

Affidavit Form Publication-Certificate Fictitious Name

Here is the download link for this Affidavit Form for Publication of Certificate Fictitious or Assumed Name,

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Affidavit Form of mailing of Notice of Annual Meeting:

When there is an annual shareholder meeting coming up in an organization, a specific employee also known as the secretary is asked to send the formal invitations of the meeting to all the shareholders in the company so that they can attend the meeting. When the secretary sends the invitations by post or mail, he has to sign an affidavit stating that he has sent the invitations to all the listed shareholders and he mailed the invitations by himself by confirming their correct mail addresses. The document that is signed by the secretary in order to state this fact is known as the affidavit of mailing notice of the annual meeting.

Here is a preview of this Free Fill-able PDF Affidavit Form for Mailing of Notice of the Annual Meeting,


Here is the download link for this Affidavit Form for Mailing of Notice of Annual Meeting,

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Bulk Sales Affidavit Form

Bulk sales affidavit is very similar to the bill of sale form and they serve the same key purpose but still, there is some difference there. A bill of sale form is used for selling and buying common items i.e. vehicles, property, merchandise, and other items but the bulk sale affidavit is strictly used for selling the business with all assets and transferring the ownership to the new buyer. This way we can say that when a company owner sells the company to another person with all the assets including equipment, machinery, furniture, buildings, plants, suppliers, clients, and customers, they need to sign this bulk sale affidavit as the legal proof of transfer of ownership to the new owner.

Here is a preview of a free fillable Bulk Sales Affidavit Form that can easily be used in any situation,

Bulk Sales Affidavit

Here is the download link for this Bulk Sales Affidavit Form,

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Release and Waiver of Option Rights Affidavit Form:

When a person buys shares and stock options from another person, it is possible that the first owner wants to keep the rights of the options with him until the options are matured or expired. This is a very common practice these days and usually, buyers and sellers agree to it without any objection. When the seller and buyer of the options enter into the option agreement, they both agree that the ownership will be transferred to the new owner but the selling and trading rights of the options will remain with the previous buyer. This is a precaution taken by the owners of options in order to prevent the new owners from trading and selling the options before maturity. Later, when the new buyer wants to trade the options, he is required to ask the previous buyer to release the permission document which is known as the release of option rights affidavit. After releasing it, if the previous owner wants, he can also waive the affidavit and keep the trading rights with him.

Here is a preview of a free sample Release and Waiver of Option Rights Affidavit created as a fillable PDF form,

Release and Waiver of Option Rights Affidavit

Here is the download link for this Release and Waiver of Option Rights Affidavit,

Special Release Affidavit Form

Here is a well-drafted Special Release Affidavit Form to help you safeguard your interests by binding a person to the specific scope of information or activities. Such an Affidavit serves the purpose when you have to share your human resource with other organizations and you are concerned about what information you should share and what to secure. Hence ask your employees to sign these affidavits to promise to protect your valuable informational assets.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Special Release Affidavit created as a fillable PDF form,

Special Release Affidavit

Here is the download link for this Special Release Affidavit,

Corporate Acknowledgement Affidavit Form

A corporate acknowledgement is a legal document that is signed by the upper-level employees i.e. directors and managers in a company or corporation. This is important for record purposes because when you register your corporation in the local notary department, you are required to provide the details of the corporation including articles of corporation, assumed name, purpose of business, type of business, and the details of the owners and partners in the corporation. If a person claims that he or someone else is the co-owner or partner in the corporation, he is required to provide corporate acknowledgment as legal proof in order to prove that the mentioned person does work in or own the corporation.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Corporate acknowledgment affidavit as fillable PDF Format,


Corporate Acknowledgement Affidavit

Here is the download link for this Corporate Acknowledgement Affidavit,


Affidavit Form of Validity of Power of Attorney:

You can understand the affidavit of validity of power of attorney by supposing that you have transferred the rights of your property to your realtor and now he has the legal rights on the property and he can sell or lease the property without your presence or consent. In order to make that power of attorney legal and authenticated, the new owner has to present a legal document in the court that shows that the original owner of the property has transferred the rights and signed the power of attorney with his consent and he made this decision intentionally. In order to do so, the original owner or owner-in-fact is required to sign this affidavit in front of the notary public clerk in the local notary department by either swearing that he is making this decision with his consent or just by presenting in front of the notary public clerk and signing the affidavit.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Affidavit of Validity of Power of Attorney Form in Fill-able PDF format,

affidavit of validity of power of attorney

Here is the download link for this Affidavit of Validity of Power of Attorney,

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