19 Free Assignment Forms

Download these 21 Free Assignment Form Templates in PDF Format to help you prepare and print your own Assignment Notices. Assignment is a financial process in which a person or a company assigns his assets or property in order to get out of debt. Assignment is also known as factoring in which a debtor gives away his property or assets and asks the assignee to pay off his creditors. For those who don’t want to go through bankruptcy, factoring or assigning is the best available option.

When a company or an individual assigns his debt, his property, or his assets to a third party, it is legally required that the assigner informs his creditors or debtors about the change of the situation in order to give them enough time to react and prepare themselves. This is a formal notice or letter in which either the assigner or the assignee informs the debtors or creditors about the change of the business. Whether the assigner writes this notice or the assignee sends it, the most important element of this notice is to inform the receivers about the change and to advise them to contact the obligated party and redirect their queries to the assignee according to the assignment.

Assignment of Benefits Form

Here is a useful Assignment of Benefits Form in PDF Format to allow you to assign someone to use or get benefits on your behalf. A very common scenario is when asking for a Claim against some auto or medical insurance policy. With little modification, the following PDF Form can easily be used for both purposes.

Benefit Assignment Form

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Assignment of Options Form

An “Assignment Notice” is issued when you assign your short options. Assignment of options takes place when purchasers of options exercise the options they purchased. An arbitrary process is used by the Options Clearing Corporation to assign exercise notices to the members of the corporation under them. These organizations then assign those notices to accounts by using an arbitrary procedure or the “first-in, first-out”, which are short the options.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Assignment of Option Notice created as a fill-able PDF form,

Assignment of Option Notice

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Consent Assignment Form

Before you sign any document of assignment in order to transfer the ownership of your property or possessions to someone else, you are asked to sign the affidavit that indicates you are willing to go through this assignment process and you are doing it with your own free will. This affidavit is known as consent of assignment or a permission letter from the assigner to the assignee. You can get this form from the local court or you can also prepare it by yourself by adding a statement in the letter that you are in fact selling or assigning the mentioned object or item to the assignee.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Assignment Consent Notice created as a fill-able PDF form,

Assignment Consent Notice

Here is the download link for this Assignment Consent Notice,

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Notice of Debt Assignment Form

In case a creditor has decided to go with debt assignment i.e. selling his accounts receivable to a third party, he is legally required to inform the debtors about the change of the situation and advise them to redirect their payments to the assignee. It is not required by the law that the assigner first gets consents from his debtors before assigning his debt to a third party but he is legally obligated to inform them about this change.

On the contrary, even if the creditor decides of not to tell the debtors about the situation, the assignee has the legal obligation and responsibility of informing his debtors about the change and asking them to send the payments to him instead of the assigner or actual creditor. The notification letter that is sent for this purpose is known as the notice of debt assignment.

Here is a preview of a free Sample Notice of Debt Assignment created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Notice of Debt Assignment

Here is the download link for this Notice of Debt Assignment,

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General Assignment Form

Usually, when we talk about general assignments or debt assignments, people assume that it’s not legal and if you go through this process, you are actually committing a fraud whereas in reality, it is not fraud and you can go with this process legally. There is a difference between general assignment and fraudulent conveyance. In general assignment, you only assign your property to a third party and he has the responsibility of paying off to your creditors and along with this process, your property is both in your and your creditors’ reach. On the other hand, fraudulent conveyance is illegal in which you actually sell your property to a third party and collect the money yourself without the intentions of paying off your creditors.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample General Assignment Agreement created as fill-able PDF Form,

General Assignment Agreement

Here is the download link for this General Assignment Agreement,

Consent of Partial Assignment Form

As you know that assignment is a process of giving away the authority and ownership rights of something that you own or possess to someone else in exchange for money but the full assignment is a process of signing away all of your legal rights and obligations where on the other hand, the partial assignment is a process in which you only assign a part of your ownership or possession to someone and even if you have assigned it to the buyer, you also own the property or item after assigning it. In this way, we can say that two parties own the rights of an item in the partial assignment including assignor and assignee.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Consent of Partial Assignment Notice created as a fill-able PDF,

Consent of Partial Assignment Notice

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Assignment Form for Due Money

Most of the time when a person borrows money from another person, he is required to return the money to the same person he borrowed it from but there are some situations in which the creditor or lender requires the debtor to return the money to a different person. For example, the creditor needs the debtor to return the loan money before the deadline but the debtor can’t return it so the creditor gets the money from another person and asks him to get it back from the debtor on behalf of the actual creditor. Another situation is that when the creditor also owes money to another person and he wants to make this process of getting money from his debtor and forwarding it to his creditor by simply getting out of the process and making his debtor and creditor direct with each other. This all is done with the assignment of money money-due agreement.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Assignment of Money Due created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Assignment of Money Due

Here is the download link for this Assignment of Money Due,

Mortgage Assignment Form

You may think that it’s not possible that a creditor transfers his credit to another person but it happens. You can understand this process by assuming that you lent money to someone and the borrower promised you to return the loan in short installments for the next 5 years. Now if you need that money on urgent basis, you can’t ask the debtor to return it as you have signed an agreement with him. The thing you can do is to give the mortgage to another person and ask him to give you some of the portion that the debtor still owes to the creditor. This means that the creditor can have his remaining debt collected once all for his urgent needs whereas the other creditor or new creditor gets to receive the loan payments from the debtor until all the debt is paid off.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Mortgage Assignment Notice created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Mortgage Assignment Notice

Here is the download link for this Mortgage Assignment Notice,

Assignment Form for Damage Claim

Usually, when it comes to damage claims, people who file the claim in the court, receive the money in return but there are some particular situations in which the actual claimer can’t receive the claim and he gives the right to receive the claim to a third person i.e. spouse, friend or relative. This process in which the claim rights are transferred to a third person and the actual claimer, new claimer, and the other party agree to this process is known as the assignment of a damage claim. Assignment of damage claim is actually an agreement on which the involved parties sign and agree to the terms and conditions of the contract.

Here is a preview of a free sample Assignment of Damage Claim created as fill-able PDF Form,

Assignment of Damage Claim

Here is the download link for this Assignment of Damage Claim,

Contract Assignment Form

When the actual contractor can’t provide the services to the client that he agreed previously, he meets with the client and asks him to agree to work with another contractor that the actual or previous contract with hire. Once all the parties i.e. actual contractor, new contractor or obligor and the client agree to transfer the obligation to provide the services to a third party, they sign the assignment of contract. By signing this contract, the actual contractor states that he has assigned the responsibilities to provide services to the new obligor, the new obligor then states that he has accepted the responsibilities and the client states that he has authorized this assignment and will pay the remaining payment for the services to the new obligor.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Assignment of a Contract created as a fill-able PDF form,

Assignment of Contract

Here is the download link for this Assignment of the Contract,

Obligor Assignment Form

This is a simple notification letter that either the assigner or the assignee can send to obligors. Usually, the assignee sends this letter but in case the obligors don’t know about the change of the situation, they ask for some kind of verification or proof from the assignee. This is why it is important that when you send this letter, you include the names of the assigner and assignee along with the date on which you have assigned the assignment to the assignee. This letter should also include identification of the assignee, the terms and conditions on which you have assigned the assignment to the assignee, and the type of assignment along with expiration or validation of the assignment in case of limited assignment and partial assignment. If you went with a partial assignment, you have the responsibility of letting your obligors know about the division of responsibilities and obligations towards your obligors.

Here is a preview of a free Sample Sample Notice of Assignment to Obligor as fill-able PDF,

Notice of Assignment to Obligor

Here is the download link for this Sample Notice of Assignment to Obligor,

Purchaser Assignment Form of Option

The purchaser’s assignment of option is a legal contract between the purchaser of a property and its owner. It is obligatory for the purchaser to pay an option fee for the rights given in the assignment of option to the owner of the property. In view of the fact that the contract is based on a property sale contract, an assignment of options is a financial derivative. If it can be transferred or assigned then it is a valuable document by itself as it can be used to transfer or assign to another purchaser to get profit.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Purchasers Assignment of Option Notice created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Purchasers Assignment of Option Notice

Here is the download link for this Purchaser Assignment of Option Notice,

Accounts Renewal Assignment Form

If a creditor wants to go through the process of factoring or assigning, he has the legal obligation and responsibility of informing his debtors and account holders about the change in the situation and letting them know that from the point of receiving the notification, they are asked to redirect their payments to the mentioned assignee. This notification letter is known as the notice of assignment of accounts.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Renewal of the Notice of Assignment of Accounts created as a fill-able PDF Form,

Renewal Notice of Assignment of Accounts

Here is download link for this Renewal of Notice of Assignment of Accounts,

Trademark Certificate Assignment Form

When we talk about the trademark, the key purpose of registering a trademark with one’s company or organization is to make it distinguishable in the market and to make it simpler and easier for the customers and clients to recognize the organization with its trademark. Regardless of this fact, when a trademark owner wants to sell his or her trademark to another potential customer, he has to go through a process in which first he or assigns the trademark to the new buyer and then files a request for change of owner of the trademark in the local trademark and patent department. In order to proceed with this assignment, the assignor i.e. the person who is selling the trademark has to enter in a contract with the assignee i.e. new owner of the trademark. This contract is known as the assignment of trademark agreement.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Trademark Assignment Certificate Template created using MS Word,

Trademark Assignment Certificate Template

Here is the download link for this Trademark Assignment Certificate Template,

Copyright Assignment Form

When the owner of copyrights of a certain item i.e. video, music album, or book wants to sell the ownership rights to a third party, the assignment of copyrights agreement is used. This is a contract in which the assignor or actual owner explains that he has transferred the rights of the copyright or ownership of the copyrights to a third person as mentioned in the agreement and the assignee states that he has accepted the offer and has paid compensation to the assignor in exchange of the assignment of the copyrights.

Here is preview of a Free Fill-able Form For Assignment of Copyright,

Form for Assignment of Copyright

Here is the download link for this Fill-able Form For the Assignment of Copyright,

Form for Assignment of Assets Agreement

When a company wants to arrange for money but there is no easy way to do so, there is always the possibility of selling the assets that the company owns in exchange for the money. This process in which a company sells or assigns the ownership of its assets to a third party is known as the assignment of assets. An agreement is signed in this process in which the owner states that he has sold or assigned the rights and ownership of his assets to the next person where the assignee explains that he has acquired the rights of the assets and has paid in return. Usually, it’s not included in the agreement but if the owner wants, he can also include the terms and clauses about the use and resale of the assets by the assignee.

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Form for the Assignment of Assets Agreement,

Form for Assignment of Assets Agreement

Here is the download link for this Form for the Assignment of Assets Agreement,

Assignment Form of Accounts Receivable

It is very common these days that company owners use their accounts receivable as assets or collateral for their creditors and loan plans. For example, a company owner owes money to another company and he assigns his accounts receivable to his creditor and gets free of his debt. Another example is when a company owner wants to arrange for quick cash and he sells his accounts receivable to a third party. A more common example of this assignment is that when a company gets a loan from a bank and puts its accounts receivable as collateral or guaranty for the safe return of the debt. This all is done by signing the agreement of assignment of accounts receivable with recourse.

Here is preview of a Free Assignment Form of Accounts Receivable with Recourse,

Assignment Form of Accounts Receivable with Recourse

Here is download link for this Assignment Form of Accounts Receivable with Recourse,

Assignment of Accounts Receivable with Non-Recourse

When a company feels that it might go under if there are not enough finances to invest in the business, there is a simple way of getting money from another company without selling long term assets or getting a loan from the bank; assigning accounts receivable to the company and getting paid in exchange. This process is done by signing the assignment of accounts receivable with the non-recourse agreement. By signing this agreement the actual creditor and the assignee agree that the assignee has paid a lump sum amount to the creditor and as the creditor has transferred the rights of his accounts receivable to the assignee, the assignee will now receive the payments against the accounts receivable.

Here is preview of a Free Form for Assignment of Accounts Receivable with Non-Recourse,

Assignment of Accounts Receivable with Non-Recourse

Here is the download link for this Assignment Form of Accounts Receivable with Non-Recourse,

Assignment Form by Endorsing on Lease

When a lessee wants and decides to transfer his lease to another person, the assignment by endorsing on lease is signed. This is an agreement in which the previous lessee states that he has met with the owner of the property and they both agreed to transfer the lease to a new lessee. In the same agreement, the new lessee agrees that he has acquired the leasing rights and responsibilities of the property and from the point of signing the agreement; he will be responsible for all liabilities. In the same agreement, the new lessee also agrees to pay the lease installments to the owner and the owner agrees not to bother the previous lessee with any kind of issues and liabilities.

Here is a preview of a Free Fill-able Assignment Form by Endorsing on Lease,

Assignment by Endorsing on Lease

Here is the download link for this Assignment Form by Endorsing on Lease,


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