Bulk Sales Notice Sample

When a company sales its assets i.e. equipment, machinery, building, trademark, and other elements to a new owner, it is very important for both parties to announce the deal in the market so that if anyone has a problem with it, they can contact the authorities in time and dispute the differences or issues. In order to announce the bulk sale, the bulk sale notice is issued in the market usually in local newspapers in order to inform the suppliers, vendors, partners, clients, and customers that the ownership of the company is transferred to a new party or person and from now on, he will be responsible for all the trading and orders.

Importance of Bulk Sales Notice:

A bulk sale points to a deal that is made between a seller and a buyer of a company. This deal includes all the assets, equipment, machinery, buildings and existing customers that will be transferred to the new owner of the company. If the suppliers, vendors, clients, and customers aren’t informed about the deal, it can create legal problems for the company and for the seller and buyer. This is why when such a deal is made, the seller informs the related people about the deal and this is done with the help of a bulk sale notice. Usually, an ad is placed in the local newspaper.

This way the individuals that are required to be notified can read the ad and contact the company in case of a dispute or issue. Another important aspect of this bulk sales notice is that when the ownership of a company is transferred to another person, the vendors, suppliers, partners and clients might have a problem with that and they might need to dispute the issues with old and new owners. So with this sales notice, you can inform them about the sales and ask them to come forward and discuss the concerns they have.

Some Useful Tips for Writing Bulk Sales Notices:

The most important tip about writing this bulk sales notice is that there is a specific time in which you need to issue this notice i.e. 7 days or 2 weeks after the deal was made and it depends on each state and country. Make sure to issue the notice within the required period or it won’t be valid after that. In the same manner, if you want to dispute the issues and problems that vendors or partners might have with the sales, you need to provide a specific period of time in which they can contact you. It also depends on each state but usually, it’s 15 days or less.

In the notice, you need to include the name(s) of the new buyer(s) that has purchased the assets or bulk by the seller. You need to mention the date when the sale was made and the date when it will be affected by the laws and regulations of the state or country. In the bulk sales notice, you need to inform the suppliers and vendors if they are still required to make the shipments of orders placed by the company before the bulk sale deal.

Free Bulk Sales Notice Sample

Here is a preview of a Free Fill-able Bulk Sales Notice that can easily be used by anyone to create a professional Bulk Sales Notice for official use,

Bulk Sales Notice

Note: The green buttons at the header will not appear in print. They are placed just to help you clear, store or retrieve stored data quickly. 


Here is the download link for this Bulk Sales Notice,


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