Defective Goods Notice

Here you can find a Free Defective Goods Notice Form in PDF Format to help you prepare your Defective Goods Notice quickly.

When buyers receive defective or damaged goods against an order placed with a supplier, they must formally notify the supplier. This can occur due to various reasons: the supplier may have intentionally sent defective goods, overlooked the defects, or the goods might have been damaged during shipment. In either case, the buyer needs to inform the supplier through a formal notice, requesting either a replacement, repair under warranty or a refund.

Importance of the Defective Goods Notice

As a buyer, whether an individual or a company, you expect to receive fully operational goods without any damage or defects when you pay a supplier. However, if the goods are defective or damaged, informing the supplier is crucial to ensure proper compensation. This formal notice serves several purposes:

  1. Documentation:
    It provides a written record of the defective goods received and the buyer’s request for compensation.
  2. Action Request:
    It informs the supplier of the defect and specifies the actions required, such as refund, replacement, or repair.
  3. Prevention:
    It helps prevent future occurrences by alerting the supplier to the issues.

Free Defective Goods Notice {PDF Form}

Here is preview of a Free Fillable Defective Goods Notice created as FDF Form,

Defective Goods Notice

Here is the download link for this Defective Goods Notice,

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Key Elements to Include in the Defective Goods Notice

  1. Names of Both Parties:
    • Name of the buyer (individual or company)
    • Name of the supplier
  2. Order Details:
    • Order number
    • Date of the order
  3. Goods Details:
    • Description of the goods received
    • Specific defects in each item
  4. Requested Compensation:
    • Return and refund
    • Replacement of defective goods
    • Repair of defective goods under warranty

Useful Tips for Writing the Defective Goods Notice

  1. Identify the Recipient:
    Find out who is responsible for handling returns or complaints at the supplier’s company and address the letter to that person.
  2. Use Company Letterhead:
    Write the letter on your company’s letterhead to make it formal and official.
  3. Type the Letter:
    Type the letter rather than writing it by hand for professionalism and clarity.
  4. Include Specific Details:
    Provide detailed descriptions of the defects and the condition of each item received.
  5. Specify the Compensation:
    Clearly state what compensation you are seeking—refund, replacement, or repair.
  6. Send via Multiple Channels:
    Send the notice both as a hard copy and via email to ensure it is received promptly.

Sample Defective Goods Notice

Here’s a sample template to help you draft a defective goods notice:

[Your Company Letterhead]

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Supplier’s Name]
[Supplier’s Position]
[Supplier’s Company Name]
[Supplier’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Supplier’s Name],

Subject: Notice of Defective Goods Received – Order [Order Number]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that we have received the delivery for order [Order Number], placed on [Order Date]. However, upon inspection, we found several issues with the goods received. Below are the details of the defects:

Items Received:

  1. Item 1: [Description, Quantity]
    • Defect: [Detailed description of the defect]
  2. Item 2: [Description, Quantity]
    • Defect: [Detailed description of the defect]
  3. Item 3: [Description, Quantity]
    • Defect: [Detailed description of the defect]

Given these defects, we request the following actions to be taken:

  1. Refund: Please process a full refund for the defective items.
  2. Replacement: We request replacement items to be sent as soon as possible.
  3. Repair: If applicable, please arrange for the defective items to be repaired under warranty.

Please provide us with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and instructions on how to proceed with returning the defective goods. We would appreciate a prompt response to resolve this issue swiftly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt resolution.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Signature]

By following these guidelines and using the sample template, you can effectively communicate your concerns about defective goods and request appropriate compensation from the supplier.

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