19 Free Employee Write-up Forms

Download these 19 Free Employee Write-Up Form Templates in PDF Format. You can also check out my collection of Free Assignment Form Templates as well.

Although company owners see their companies as the perfect child like any parent, in reality, there are always some problems that management deals with on a daily basis. One of these problems is to discipline an employee. If a manager observes that an employee comes late in the morning or takes more frequent smoke breaks or watches videos on the computer during work hours, it’s important to correct these behaviors in the interest of the company. If the problem in discussion is not very serious, talking with the employee would solve it as he will understand that his actions are monitored and he can’t continue going on the same path. In case, these meetings turn out to be useless, there is the need for an official and formal warning letter known as a disciplinary letter or employee write-up letter.

Uses of an Employee Write-up Form:

In most cases, when a written warning is issued to an employee, it’s usually the last step and termination is just around the corner. Companies prefer to discipline their employees in one-to-one meetings before issuing any formal discipline letters in order to save the dignity and self-respect of the workers. If no corrective action was taken after several warnings, it’s time to issue the write-up form. Here you need to explain all the details of the incident or behavior that is under scrutiny even if it was explained well many times before. This is a legal document and it will be part of the permanent employee record.

In most countries, it’s not legal to fire an employee without explaining the reason for termination. This is where the employee write-up form is formally used to fulfill legal requirements. It is not uncommon that even if an employee gets a disciplinary form, there are no corrective measures taken. This will allow the employer or HR department to issue a termination letter or 2nd employee write-up form if the problem is not so serious i.e. late arrival or taking extra time during lunch hour. Whether there was only one disciplinary letter issued or multiple, they stay in the permanent record of an employee with HR and in case the employee decides to go to court due to his termination, the company has the option to use these documented proofs that they fulfilled all legal requirements and gave their employee the option to correct his behavior.

Free Employee Write-up Form Templates

Here are several of these free Employee Write-up Form Templates in PDF Format to assist you.

employee write up form 01

Download the link for this Employee Write-Up Form 01,

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employee write up form 02

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 02,

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employee write up form 03

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 03,

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employee write up form 04

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 04,

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employee write up form 05

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 05,

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employee write up form 06

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 06,

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employee write up form 07

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 07,

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employee write up form 08

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 08,

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employee write up form 09

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 09,

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employee write up form 10

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 10,

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employee write up form 11

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 11,

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employee write up form 12

Click on the button below to start download this employee write-up form 12,

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employee write up form 13

Download the link for this Employee Write-up Form 13,

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employee write up form 14

Click on the button below to start downloading this employee write-up form 14,

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employee write up form 15

Download the link for this employee write-up form 15,

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employee write up form 16

Download the link for this employee write-up form 16,

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employee write up form 17

Click on the button below to find a link to download this employee write-up form 17,

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employee write up form 18

Download the link for this employee write-up form 18,

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employee write up form 19

You can download this template from the link below,

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Key Elements of an Employee Write-up Form:

Details of the Employee under Discussion:

It’s obvious that when you issue a discipline letter to an employee, the name of the employee should be mentioned at the top of the letter. Other details that are important to mention in the letter include; the designation of the employee, the department in which he works, the duration of his employment at the organization, the date on which the letter is issued, and a number of warnings i.e. 2nd or 3rd.

State the Reason of Discipline:

It is obvious that if a write-up form is issued, there were at least 2-3 meetings done with the employee already and in those meetings, the problem was discussed thoroughly. Even if the employee knows what he did wrong, it’s important to state all the details clearly in the discipline form.

Details of Previous Warnings:

Once the problem is discussed, it’s time to recall all the meetings done with the employee and include those in this letter. If the previous warnings were discussed orally in a meeting, including time, date, location i.e. conference room, and name of the person who gave the warning i.e. HR manager. In case, this is 2nd or 3rd warning letter, make sure to mention details of previous warning letters as well.

Corrective Action with Deadline:

If the company is still thinking of giving their employee more time to correct his behavior, the employee warning letter should clearly state what the employee is expected to do and the time he has to perform these actions i.e. 1 week or 1 month. If you have decided to terminate the employee and this letter serves the purpose of presenting all previous warning details, just state that the company was patient enough to give time and several warnings to the employee but no corrective action was taken so now it’s time to start the termination process.

Signature of the Authorized Person:

Most of the time, a warning letter is issued by the HR department. Even if a manager or executive has encountered a problem with a junior employee, they prefer not to get involved and ask HR to do the needful. In either case, at the end of the employee write-up form, the name of the person who is issuing the letter along with his designation in the organization and sign is a must-have section.

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