Corporate Name Reservation Certificate

When someone in a business want to reserve a specific name for their corporation. He/She need to send a formal application to the secretary of the commonwealth department. Need to submit application with the documents and details they require. Once they finds out that this specific name is in fact empty or without any reservation. They can reserve that name for your company in exchange of the reservation fees. The duration to keep the name reserved along with the fees and charges depend on each state and country around the world.

Preparing Corporate Name Reservation Certificate:

Most of the time, when a person or a group of partners wants to starts a new company. The first thing they decide is the name of the business. The name of a company is a great way of introducing your products to the market and customers. It is possible that when your business gets attention from the customers. Others will try to start their own companies with the same or similar names. This is why it is really important that when you decide a name for your company. Register it quickly for legal and trademark purposes.

On the other hand, there are also many situations in which the owners or partners decide the name of a company but they don’t start the company right away.

The delay can be caused by number of reasons but even if they don’t plan to start the company any time in near future, it is really important that they reserve the decided name in the commonwealth department. This way when they will actually start the company in the future, they can just use the reserved name rather than thinking of a new name because someone already has took the pre-decided name. When you send the formal application to reserve a corporation name for your company, you are required to attach some other documents too with the application. Usually this process is done online so you need to have the scanned copies of the required documents enlisted on the website of the commonwealth department.

Key Elements in the Corporate Name Reservation Certificate:

  • Name of the owner of the company or names of the partners
  • Name of the corporation that you want to reserve
  • Details of the business that the corporation will conduct under the requested name
  • Articles of corporation
  • Date when the application is sent to the secretary of commonwealth department
  • Reference number to the registration of the company in the notary department
  • Duration for which you want to reserve the name for your company
  • Specific reasons to reserve that name for your company
  • Bank voucher number for the standard reservation fees that you have submitted earlier in the bank approved by the department
  • Signature of the owner or partners of the corporation

Here is preview of a Free Sample Corporate Name Reservation Certificate created as fill able PDF format,


Corporate Name Reservation Certificate

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