Notice of Default in Promissory Note

A Notice of Default in Promissory Note is a formal document used by a creditor to inform a debtor that they have defaulted on their debt payments as per the terms of the promissory note. This notice serves as a final reminder for the debtor to repay the owed amount within a specified period before the creditor takes legal action or holds the guarantor responsible.

See Also: Promissory Notes

Importance of the Notice of Default in Promissory Note

  1. Legal Requirement:
    • Ensures compliance with local laws and the terms of the promissory note.
  2. Final Reminder:
    • Provides the debtor with a last opportunity to settle the debt before legal actions are initiated.
  3. Documentation:
    • Serves as official documentation of the creditor’s attempt to collect the debt, which can be used in court if necessary.

Key Elements to Include in the Notice of Default in Promissory Note

    1. Debtor Information:
      • Name of the debtor/defaulter.
      • Complete address of the debtor.
    2. Creditor Information:
      • Name of the creditor or loan company.
      • Complete address of the creditor.
    3. Promissory Note Details:
      • Date of the promissory note.
      • Amount of money owed as per the promissory note.
    4. Payment Details:
      • Agreed payment schedule for the debt.
      • Specific payments or installments that are in default.
    5. Time Period for Response:
      • Period of time in which the debtor is asked to contact the creditor and resolve the issue (e.g., 1 week, 1 month).
    6. Consequences of Non-Compliance:
      • Legal actions that will be taken if the debtor does not respond to the notice, such as seizing property, filing a lawsuit, or holding the guarantor responsible.
    7. Signature and Date:
      • Date when the notice is issued.
      • Signature of the creditor or an authorized representative.

Free Notice of Default in Promissory Note {PDF Form}

Here is preview of a Free Sample Notice of Default in Promissory Note created as fill-able PDF form,

Notice Default in Promissory Note

Here is download link for this Notice of Default in Promissory Note,

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Sample Notice of Default in Promissory Note

Here’s a sample template for a Notice of Default in Promissory Note:

[Creditor’s Company Letterhead]


Date: [Date]

To: [Debtor’s Full Name]
[Debtor’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

From: [Creditor’s Name]
[Creditor’s Company Name]
[Creditor’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Notice of Default on Promissory Note

Dear [Debtor’s Name],

This letter serves as a formal notice that you are in default of the promissory note dated [Promissory Note Date], in the principal amount of [Principal Amount]. According to the terms of the promissory note, payments were to be made in [Monthly/Weekly] installments of [Installment Amount].

As of [Current Date], the following payments are overdue:

  • Payment due on [Due Date]: [Amount]
  • Payment due on [Due Date]: [Amount]

You are hereby notified that you must remit the total overdue amount of [Total Overdue Amount] within [Time Period, e.g., 14 days] from the date of this notice. Failure to remit the overdue amount within the specified period will result in the following actions:

  • Legal proceedings will be initiated against you to recover the outstanding debt.
  • Any collateral securing the promissory note will be seized.
  • The guarantor of the promissory note will be held responsible for the repayment of the debt.

Please consider this letter as our final attempt to resolve this matter amicably. We strongly encourage you to contact us immediately to discuss the outstanding payments and potential repayment options.


[Creditor’s Name]
[Creditor’s Title]
[Creditor’s Company Name]
[Contact Information]

Importance and Uses of the Notice of Default in Promissory Note

  1. Legal Documentation:
    • Acts as proof that the creditor has formally notified the debtor about the default and provided an opportunity to resolve the issue.
  2. Encourages Resolution:
    • Motivates the debtor to settle the debt promptly to avoid legal consequences.
  3. Protects Creditor’s Rights:
    • Ensures that the creditor can take further legal action if necessary, having provided the debtor with due notice.

By following these guidelines and using the sample template, you can effectively draft a Notice of Default in Promissory Note that ensures all necessary details are included, providing clear communication and protecting the rights of the creditor.

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