Sample Notice to Stop Goods in Transit

Allow me to share with you a Sample Notice to Stop Goods in Transit to help you write your own notice. When a supplier finds out that there is a problem with the payment from the buyer as he has declared bankruptcy. He has the legal right to stop the transaction of the goods before the buyer receives it. Or he won’t be paid for the order. In this situation, the supplier writes this notice to stop goods in transit to the Shipment Company or warehouse of the company. The core purpose of this Notice is to inform them not to make the shipment due to payment problems. This notice is only useful if the shipment isn’t done yet and the buyer hasn’t received the goods.

In case, you want to pursue some legal action. We strongly recommend you issue a Final Notice before Legal Action to give it another chance.

Importance of the Notice to Stop Goods in Transit:

When a supplier finds out that the payment promised or agreed by a buyer didn’t take place. Or the buyer denies making the payment due to any reason. It can be because of any reason i.e. the buyer declares bankruptcy, forgets about the payment, doesn’t make the payment on schedule, or tells the supplier that he doesn’t want the shipment anymore. In this situation, the supplier knows that if the shipment of that particular order takes place, either the buyer will not pay for it or won’t receive it at all. In either case, the supplier will face a financial problem. If the order isn’t shipped to the buyer yet. There is only one thing that the supplier can do before everything goes out of hand and it’s the formal request to the warehouse manager or shipment in charge and ask them not to make the shipment until further notice.

The supplier can talk to the authorized person via phone but in order to stop the transit, that person will ask the supplier to send a formal notice or request letter in order to make this process legal. This is where the formal notice to stop goods in transit comes in handy as it allows the supplier to formally inform the warehouse authorities or Currier about the situation and ask them to stop the transit. Once the shipment takes place, there is nothing to do except wait until the buyer receives the order and then ask him either to pay for the order or return the shipment.

Useful Tips for Writing Notices to Stop Goods in Transit:

Before you write this notice to stop the goods in transit, you need to find out where the goods actually are at the moment. The goods can be with the warehouse manager or with the courier lying in the storeroom or in the shipment going to the buyer. After that, you need to address the proper person in authority i.e. warehouse manager or shipment supervisor, and inform them that you don’t want them to make the shipment. Here you also need to explain why you don’t want them to make the shipment. Another important element of this notice is the details and reference of the shipment that you are referring to in this notice.

Here is a preview of a Free Fill-able Notice to Stop Goods in Transit created in PDF Format,

Notice to Stop Goods in Transit

Here is the download link for this Notice to Stop Goods in Transit,


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