Real Estate Purchase Offer Form

Allow me to share with you this Free Real Estate Purchase Offer Form in PDF Format to help you crate your on Purchase Offer quickly.

Trading real estate property is a lengthy process, but it always involves a critical step: the offer made by the buyer. There are two scenarios for selling or purchasing real estate: the owner’s need to sell and the buyer’s willingness to purchase. Whether the seller hires a realtor to find potential buyers or buyers approach the owner directly, the buyers must make an offer on the property and see if the owner agrees or wants to negotiate.

Recommended Procedure to Make an Offer to Purchase Real Estate

When you find a property you like, such as a house or apartment, you should hire a realtor or attorney to assist you with making an offer and buying the property. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Contact a Realtor or Attorney:
    Engage a professional to help you navigate the process of making an offer and to ensure all legal aspects are covered.
  2. Obtain the Offer Form:
    Get the legal form required to make an offer. These forms can be complex, so ask your attorney to explain all terms and conditions.
  3. Review the Terms:
    Carefully review the form with your attorney. Ensure you understand all the terms before proceeding.
  4. Set Your Offer Price:
    Decide on the price you want to offer and fill out the form.
  5. Submit the Offer:
    Send the completed offer form to the property owner.

Free Real Estate Purchase Offer Form {PDF Form}

Here is preview of a Free Sample Real Estate Purchase Offer Form created as fillable PDF Form,

Real Estate Purchase Offer Form

Here is download link for this Real Estate Purchase Offer Form,

pdf download button

Factors Influencing the Offer Price

Several factors can influence the price you offer to the property owner:

  1. Affordability:
    Assess how much you can afford to spend on the property.
  2. Need for the Property:
    Consider how urgently you need the property and how much you desire it.
  3. Competing Buyers:
    The number of other interested buyers can drive up the property value.
  4. Seller’s Motivation:
    Evaluate the seller’s willingness and urgency to sell the property.
  5. Property Condition:
    The physical appearance and potential need for construction or remodeling can affect your offer.
  6. Comparable Properties:
    Compare the property with similar ones in the area to gauge market prices.

Pre-Offer Steps

Before making an offer on a real estate property, you should take the following steps:

  1. Home Inspection:
    Hire a professional home inspection team to thoroughly inspect the property. This includes checking for termites, fungus, leakage, seepage, and mold.
  2. Property Valuation:
    Engage a property estimator to evaluate the expected market value of the property. This helps you determine a fair offer price.
  3. Compliance Check:
    Visit the local development authority to ensure the property meets all safety codes and building requirements.
  4. Legal Review:
    Have a realtor or attorney review your offer documents and other forms before submitting them to the property owner.

Sample Offer to Purchase Real Estate

Here’s a sample template to help you draft an offer to purchase real estate:

Offer to Purchase Real Estate

Buyer Information:
Name: [Buyer’s Full Name]
Address: [Buyer’s Address]
City, State, ZIP Code: [City, State, ZIP Code]
Phone Number: [Buyer’s Phone Number]
Email: [Buyer’s Email]

Seller Information:
Name: [Seller’s Full Name]
Address: [Seller’s Address]
City, State, ZIP Code: [City, State, ZIP Code]
Phone Number: [Seller’s Phone Number]
Email: [Seller’s Email]

Property Information:
Address: [Property Address]
City, State, ZIP Code: [City, State, ZIP Code]
Legal Description: [Legal Description of Property]

Offer Details:

  • Offered Price: [Offer Amount]
  • Earnest Money Deposit: [Deposit Amount]
  • Financing Terms: [Details of Financing]
  • Closing Date: [Proposed Closing Date]
  • Contingencies: [List of Contingencies]

Inspections and Conditions:
This offer is contingent upon satisfactory completion of the following inspections:

  • Home Inspection
  • Termite Inspection
  • Mold Inspection
  • Compliance with local building codes and safety standards

Additional Terms:
[List any additional terms and conditions]


Buyer: _______________________
Date: _______________________

Seller: _______________________
Date: _______________________

By following these steps and using the sample template, you can create a comprehensive and legally sound offer to purchase real estate, ensuring a smooth and transparent transaction process.

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