Sample Request Letter on Disputed Charges

Here is a PDF Form to generate a Request Letter on Disputed Charges for your situation as per your requirements.

It’s not very common, but sometimes credit card holders may find errors or unauthorized charges on their credit card statements. These mistaken transactions, known as disputed charges, require resolution between the credit card holder and the issuing company. When a cardholder discovers such discrepancies, they have the right to formally request a detailed statement to identify and resolve the issues.

When a Customer Has the Right to Dispute Credit Charges

Several situations can prompt a credit card holder to dispute charges:

  1. False Expenses:
    When the statement shows a transaction the cardholder did not make.
  2. Excessive Transactions:
    When the amount charged is higher than expected.
  3. Incorrect Due Amount:
    When a due amount appears despite the cardholder having made the payment.
  4. Late Payment Errors:
    When a late payment is indicated, the cardholder is sure the payment was made on time.
  5. Calculation Errors:
    When there are mistakes in calculations, tax, or interest rates.

Free Sample Request Letter on Disputed Charges {PDF Form}

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Sample Request Letter on Disputed Charges created as a fillable PDF Form,


Request Letter on Disputed Charges

Here is the download link for this Sample Request Letter on Disputed Charges,

pdf download button

Key Elements to Include in the Information Request Letter on Disputed Charges

  1. Credit Card Holder Information:
    • Name
    • Complete address
  2. Credit Card Company Information:
    • Name of the company
    • Complete address
  3. Request Date:
    • The date when the request is being made
  4. Credit Card Details:
    • Issuance date
    • Type of card
    • Credit amount
  5. Details of Disputed Charges:
    • Date of the charge
    • A place where the charge was made
    • Amount of the charge
  6. Sworn Statement:
    • A declaration that the cardholder did not make the disputed charges
  7. Request for Detailed Credit Statement:
    • Duration within which the credit card company should provide the information
  8. Signature:
    • Signature of the credit card holder

Sample Information Request Letter on Disputed Charges

Here’s a sample template to help you draft an information request letter on disputed charges:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Credit Card Company’s Name]
[Credit Card Company’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Credit Card Company’s Name],

Subject: Request for Detailed Information on Disputed Charges

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a detailed statement regarding several disputed charges on my credit card account [Credit Card Number]. I have noticed discrepancies in my recent statement, and I need your assistance to resolve these issues.

Credit Card Details:

  • Issuance Date: [Issuance Date]
  • Type of Card: [Credit Card Type]
  • Credit Amount: [Credit Amount]

Disputed Charges:

  1. Charge 1:
    • Date: [Date of Charge]
    • Place: [Place of Charge]
    • Amount: [Charge Amount]
  2. Charge 2:
    • Date: [Date of Charge]
    • Place: [Place of Charge]
    • Amount: [Charge Amount]
  3. Charge 3:
    • Date: [Date of Charge]
    • Place: [Place of Charge]
    • Amount: [Charge Amount]

I hereby declare that I did not make these transactions, and I am requesting a detailed breakdown of my credit card statement to identify and address these discrepancies.

Please provide the requested information within [requested duration, e.g., 14 days] from the date of this letter. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

By including these key elements and using the sample template, you can effectively communicate with your credit card company to resolve disputed charges and ensure a thorough review of your credit card statement.

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