25+ Free Time off Request Forms

Here you can download these 25+ Free Time Off Request Form Templates in PDF Format to help you prepare your own Request Form easily. You can also download our collection of Employee Write-Up Forms.

A Time Off Request Form is a document used by employees to formally request time off from work. This form ensures that the request is communicated clearly and can be tracked and approved by the appropriate personnel, such as a supervisor or HR department. It helps organizations manage employee absences and plan for staffing needs.

Key Elements of a Time Off Request Form:

  1. Employee Information:
    • Name
    • Employee ID or number
    • Department
    • Position
  2. Date of Request:
    • The date when the request is being submitted.
  3. Dates Requested Off:
    • Specific dates or range of dates the employee is requesting off.
    • Total number of days or hours requested.
  4. Type of Time Off:
    • Vacation leave
    • Sick leave
    • Personal leave
    • Bereavement leave
    • Jury duty
    • Other (with space to specify)
  5. Reason for Request:
    • An optional section where the employee can provide a brief reason for the time off.
  6. Employee Signature:
    • Signature of the employee requesting the time off to confirm the request.
  7. Supervisor/Manager Approval:
    • Space for the supervisor or manager to approve or deny the request.
    • Signature of the approving authority.
    • Date of approval or denial.
    • Comments or notes section for any additional information or conditions.
  8. HR Department Use:
    • Space for the HR department to record the leave in the employee’s records.
    • Any additional comments or approval steps required by HR.

Free Time Off Request Form Templates

Here are previews and download links for these Free Time Off Request Form Templates in PDF Format,

time off request form template 01

Download link for this time off request form template 01 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 02

Here is download link for this time off request form template 02 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 03

Download link for this time off request form template 03 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 04

Here is download link for this time off request form template 04,

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time off request form template 05

Source: https://tracktime24.com/Free-Employee-Time-Off-Request

Download link for this time off request form template 05 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 06

Here is download link for this time off request form template 06 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 07

Download link for this time off request form template 07,

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time off request form template 08

Here is download link for this time off request form template 08,

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time off request form template 09

Download link for this time off request form template 09 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 10

Here is download link for this time off request form template 10,

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time off request form template 11

Download link for this time off request form template 11 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 12

Here is download link for this time off request form template 12,

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time off request form template 13

Download link for this time off request form template 13 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 14

Here is download link for this time off request form template 14 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 15

Download link for this time off request form template 15 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 16

Here is download link for this time off request form template 16,

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time off request form template 17

Download link for this time off request form template 17 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 18

Here is download link for this time off request form template 18,

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time off request form template 19

Download link for this time off request form template 19,

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time off request form template 20

Here is download link for this time off request form template 20,

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time off request form template 21

Download link for this time off request form template 21 in PDF Format,

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time off request form template 22

Here is download link for this time off request form template 22,

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time off request form template 23

Download link for this time off request form template 23,

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time off request form template 24

Here is download link for this time off request form template 24,

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time off request form template 25

Download link for this time off request form template 25,

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time off request form template 26

Here is download link for this time off request form template 26,

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Importance of a Time Off Request Form:

  1. Clear Communication:
    • Ensures that requests for time off are communicated clearly and formally, reducing the chances of misunderstandings.
  2. Documentation:
    • Provides a written record of time off requests, approvals, and denials, which can be useful for both employees and employers for record-keeping and future reference.
  3. Planning and Coverage:
    • Helps supervisors and HR departments plan for absences and arrange for appropriate coverage, ensuring that the organization runs smoothly even when employees are away.
  4. Consistency:
    • Establishes a standardized process for requesting and approving time off, ensuring fair and consistent treatment of all employees.
  5. Compliance:
    • Assists in maintaining compliance with company policies, labor laws, and regulations regarding employee leave and time off.

A well-designed Time Off Request Form helps streamline the process of managing employee leave, making it easier for both employees and employers to handle time off efficiently and effectively.

Guidelines for Creating a Time Off Request Form:

Confirm the Reason for Time Off:

Before writing a time off request to your employer or HOD, it’s important to understand your company’s policies regarding time off and which scenarios qualify for such requests. Employment handbooks typically specify when employees are allowed to take paid and unpaid leave. For example, a female employee nearing the end of her pregnancy is allowed to take leave and return to work 8 weeks after giving birth. Similarly, the father of a newborn is allowed to take 1 week of leave. Once you understand the reason for your time off request, you can prepare the actual application form.

Details of the Employee and Supervisor:

The time off request form should start with the complete details of the employee. This section should include the employee’s full name, department, date of joining, the last time they took leave, and the date on which the request form is being submitted to the HOD or employer. Next, include the details of the supervisor or person who will receive and approve the request. This section should include the full name of the HOD, their designation (e.g., supervisor or manager), and any other required details.

Details of the Time Off:

This section of the time off request form includes the specifics of the requested time off. The employee should mention the date they plan to start their leave (e.g., 1 week or 15 days after the request is approved), the date they will return to work (e.g., after 1 month or 2 months), the total duration of the absence, and the purpose of the absence. The purpose of the absence is very important. Companies often use specific codes for different types of leave. For instance, V stands for vacation, F for floater day, PL for paid personal leave, and PU for unpaid personal leave. Using these codes, employees can simply mention the code in the application instead of explaining the full context of the leave.

Special Notes if Applicable:

This section is not common but is used in cases where employees have special instructions for their employers or coworkers during their time off. For instance, an employee might request that incoming calls and queries be referred to a specific coworker in their absence or provide a phone number where they can be reached in case of an emergency.

Signature of the Employee:

At the end of the form, the employee needs to include their full name and signature. Sometimes there is an approval section at the end of the form with checkboxes for “approved” and “rejected.” If the employer approves the request, they will check the “approved” box; if they reject the request, they will check the “rejected” box and forward the form to the HR department for record-keeping purposes.

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