Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract Template

Download this Free Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract Template in PDF format to prepare your contract easily. Another related document you shall look at is the Partnership Contract Template.

An Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract is a legal document that grants a designated person (usually a real estate agent or realtor) the authority to sell a property on behalf of the owner. This contract outlines the obligations and conditions under which the property can be sold, including the sale price, type of buyer, payment terms, and commission for the seller. It ensures that the owner retains control over the sale process while delegating the actual selling tasks to the authorized person.

Importance of the Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract

  1. Delegation of Selling Responsibilities:
    • Allows the property owner to delegate the task of finding buyers and negotiating sales to a professional, saving time and effort.
  2. Control Over Sale Terms:
    • Ensures the owner retains control over critical aspects of the sale, such as the selling price and type of buyer.
  3. Legal Protection:
    • Provides legal protection and clarity for both the owner and the seller, minimizing potential disputes.

Key Elements to Include in the Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract

  1. Parties Involved:
    • Names and contact information of the property owner(s).
    • Names and contact information of the authorized seller (agent or realtor).
  2. Property Details:
    • Description of the property being sold (address, size, type, etc.).
  3. Authority Granted:
    • Detailed description of the rights granted to the seller, including the authority to negotiate and finalize sales on behalf of the owner.
  4. Sale Terms:
    • Agreed-upon selling price or price range.
    • Any specific conditions regarding the type of buyer (e.g., no investors, only residential buyers).
  5. Payment Terms:
    • Duration within which the buyer must transfer the full payment.
    • Payment method (e.g., bank transfer, cashier’s check).
  6. Commission:
    • Percentage or amount of commission the seller will receive upon successful sale.
    • Timing of commission payment (e.g., at closing, after full payment is received).
  7. Duration of Contract:
    • Start and end date of the contract, specifying the period during which the seller has the exclusive right to sell the property.
  8. Obligations of the Seller:
    • Any specific tasks the seller must perform, such as marketing the property, conducting viewings, and handling negotiations.
  9. Owner’s Rights:
    • Owner’s right to approve or reject offers.
    • Owner’s responsibilities, such as maintaining the property during the selling period.
  10. Termination Clause:
    • Conditions under which the contract can be terminated by either party.
  11. Signatures:
    • Signatures of the property owner(s) and the authorized seller.
    • Date of signing.

Free Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract Template {PDF Form}

Here is a preview of a Free Fillable Exclusive Rights to Sell Contact Template,

Exclusive Right to Sell Contract Template

Here is the download link for this Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract Template,

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Sample Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract

Here’s a sample template for an Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract:


Date: [Date]

Parties Involved:

  • Owner: [Owner’s Full Name]
  • Address: [Owner’s Address]
  • Contact Information: [Owner’s Phone Number, Email]
  • Authorized Seller: [Seller’s Full Name]
  • Company: [Seller’s Company Name]
  • Address: [Seller’s Address]
  • Contact Information: [Seller’s Phone Number, Email]

Property Details:

  • Property Address: [Property Address]
  • Description: [Description of the Property]

Authority Granted: The Owner hereby grants the Seller the exclusive right to sell the above-described property. The Seller is authorized to negotiate and finalize the sale on behalf of the Owner.

Sale Terms:

  • Selling Price: [Agreed Selling Price or Price Range]
  • Buyer Conditions: [Specific Buyer Conditions, if any]

Payment Terms:

  • Payment Duration: [Payment Duration, e.g., 30 days from the date of sale]
  • Payment Method: [Payment Method]


  • Commission Percentage/Amount: [Commission Percentage or Amount]
  • Commission Payment Timing: [Timing of Commission Payment]

Duration of Contract:

  • Start Date: [Start Date]
  • End Date: [End Date]

Obligations of the Seller:

  • The Seller agrees to market the property, conduct viewings, and handle negotiations.

Owner’s Rights:

  • The Owner retains the right to approve or reject offers.
  • The Owner is responsible for maintaining the property during the selling period.

Termination Clause:

  • Either party may terminate this contract by providing [Number of Days] days’ written notice to the other party.


[Owner’s Name]

[Seller’s Name]

Importance and Uses of the Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract

  1. Delegation and Efficiency:
    • Allows the owner to delegate the selling process to a professional while maintaining control over key decisions.
  2. Legal Clarity:
    • Clearly outlines the rights and obligations of both parties, minimizing misunderstandings and potential disputes.
  3. Securing Commission:
    • Ensures the seller’s commission is secured and clearly defined.

By following these guidelines and using the sample template, you can effectively create an Exclusive Rights to Sell Contract that ensures all necessary details are included, providing clear communication and protecting the rights of both the owner and the seller.

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